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Location Unknown

Pictures of various homes throughout the districts and downtown area not readily recognizable or no longer in existence. If you have any information about the former or present location of these homes, please send us an e-mail.

Click on Any of the Pictures Below for a Larger Version


A 1901 picture identified as the residence of Forbes Holton

New information indicates this property was located 640 Main Street just South of the Gruenwald home on the corner of Main and West 6th Streets.

104-116 West 8th Street - sat at the corner of West 8th and Jackson facing 8th. A 1901 picture of the Elliot-Lee Apartments. These appear very similar to the Armstrong Apartments located near the Anderson police station in the 600 block of Meridian Street.

A 1901 picture of the Winifred Stilwell residence.

The Fashion Frock Shop in the 1930s
The Hawthorne Club group photo in 1907
1940s view of local IGA store - location??
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By ADNA - Site Update September 23, 2014